Kamis, 23 Agustus 2012

Diablo Strategy Guide

If you found this article you are probably interested in the Diablo III game and want a good strategy guide to help you get better at the game.

The first thing I am going to write about in this strategy guide is leveling.

When you first start playing Diablo III don't pick up items that are white or grey (unless they are potions or gems) because in Diablo III these items are not worth the effort picking up. These items will only slow down your leveling.

And if you have played the past Diablo games before than you might be used to pick up everything the dead enemy drops and fill up your bag with items and then later to sell them for gold. But in this game selling a bag full of worthless items is clearly a waste of time and effort. To get rich in this game you have to pick up gold from dead enemies, finding quality items and opening chests.

Remember to use different strategies for different character classes.

So I decided to talk about different character classes in this strategy guide.

There are five character classes in Diablo III:

The Witch Doctor

The Barbarian

The Wizard

The Monk

The Demon Hunter

The Witch Doctor

Remember to kill ranged enemies first in the begging it may be easy to dodge the attacks coming from them but it will get more difficult as you level up. Use skills wisely some skills like Hex, Mass confusion and Grasp of the dead work well on mobs. Firebomb is also a good skill to deal with the mobs as it's not very expensive.

Some skills require a big amount of mana so be smart using these skills like Firebats again it's good against mobs so don't use it on one enemy.

The Barbarian

The good thing about the barbarian class is high defense the barbarian class has a 30% damage reduction done by enemies. This surely helps a lot when it comes to survival.

But their big weakness that they have few range skills so they have to kill up close. Which means you still take a lot of damage despite the high defense that comes along with this class.

The Wizard

The big advantage of The Wizard compared to the last character class I talked about in this strategy guide is the fact that with a wizard you can kill the enemy at a distance. The power source of The Wizard is arcane similar to mana. And the good thing about arcane is that it regenerates quickly so you can always use a small spell when you're playing.

The Monk

This class is specialized in unarmed combat and also melee combat. The Monk kills enemies with their speed and lethal weapon blows. As said before Monks are very quick and agile and this is very important to Monks survival.

The Demon Hunter

The demon hunters are class of warriors who hunt demons. Demon hunters are skilled fighters firing dual crossbows laying traps, but they might be vulnerable at close combat.

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